Disney Channel Original Movie, auparavant Disney Channel Premiere Films, est un label donné aux téléfilms produits par et pour Disney Channel Disney Channel commence à diffuser des téléfilms en 19, ils sont alors produits par différentes sociétés de productions dont parfois Walt Disney Television Quand la collection est rebaptisée en 1997, les téléfilms deviennentPlus, watch movies, video clips and play games!Watch full episodes of your favorite Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD shows!
ディズニー チャンネル オリジナル ムービー
ディズニー チャンネル オリジナル ムービー-Leave it to Us to fill you in on what your first crush is doing now From Motocrossed's Riley Smith and Trevor O'Brien to High School Musical's Zac Efron and Corbin Bleu, the Disney Channel has produced a slew of hot Hollywood From Motocrossed's Riley Smith and Trevor O'Brien to High School Musical's Zac Efron and Corbin Bleu, the Disney Channel has produced a slew of scorching Hollywood stars for greater than years The first DCOM was 1997's Underwraps and there have been greater than 100 motion pictures which have premiered on the community since

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Check out other Disney Channel Original Movies ! The Disney Channel Original Movie "Christmas Again" will premiere Friday, December 3 (800 pm EST/PST) on the Disney Channel A Disney release date has not been announced yet, but we expect the show to arrive on the streaming service in the United States and internationally once it airs on Disney ChannelMedia in category "Disney Channel Original Movie films" This category contains only the following file
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Mal turned good during the original Descendants movie During Descendants 3, though, Audrey decided it was time to be bad The result was one of the most popular songs from the Disney Channel original film, earning millions of plays on streaming platforms like Spotify41 mins ago in TV 0 VIEWS Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Teenage dream! Disney Channel has created over 100 original movies over the past few decades Using Rotten Tomatoes' audience scores, INSIDER ranked the best 50 Disney Channel Original Movies (DCOMS) of all time "Tru Confessions" (02) and "Let it Shine" (12) are the top movies on this list, with both earning an 84% score from viewers

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(DCOMs) Tier List Recent Rankings Follow @cyguy19> 1 Edit the label text in each row 2 Drag the images into the order you would like 3 Click 'Save/Download' and add a title and description 4 Shareディズニー・チャンネル・オリジナル・ムービー ( 英語 Disney Channel Original Movie )は、 ディズニーチャンネル で放送されるテレビ映画のブランド名である。 On , Disney Channel started producing their own TV movies under the "Disney Channel Original Movies" banner The first official Disney Channel Original Movie was Under Wraps On , Disney Channel premiered its 100th original film, Adventures in Babysitting (a remake of the 1987 film of the same name)

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Disney Channel Original Movie (72) Teenage Girl (21) High School (17) Character Name In Title (16) Female Protagonist (15) Teenage Boy (14) Teenager (14) Friendship (13) Dog (12) Family Relationships (12) Father Daughter Relationship (12) Sequel (12) Father Son Relationship (11) Mother Daughter Relationship (11) Title Spoken By Character (10Disney Junior is an American pay television network owned by the Walt Disney Television unit of The Walt Disney Company through Disney Branded Television Aimed mainly at children two to seven years old, its programming consists of original firstrun television series, theatricallyreleased and home mediaexclusive movies, and select other thirdparty programmingErik Von Detten, Brandon Baker, Riley Smith and More Teenage dream!

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Disney Channel Original Movie Hunks Where Are They Now?Disney Channel Original Movie Hunks où sontils maintenant ?Many television films have been produced for the United States cable network, Disney Channel, since the service's inception in 19 In its early years, such movies were referred to as Disney Channel Premiere Films From late 1997 onward, these television films have been branded under the Disney Channel Original Movies (DCOM) banner

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De nombreux acteurs ont fait leurs débuts dans les films originaux de Disney Channel – mais qu'estil arrivé aux hommes de premier plan de ces films ?Many actors got their starts in Disney Channel Original Movies — but what happened to the hunky leading men from those films? These Disney Channel Original Movie Deep Cuts Are Streaming on Disney Consider these when you're craving a little nostalgia, but have already seen Zenon a million times

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Released in 1997, the Disney Channel Original Movie Under Wraps is getting a modern upgrade, and today we've learned that it's coming to the Disney Channel this October Unwrap the officialGenius is a 1999 Disney Channel Original Movie (DCOM) directed by Rod DanielThe film stars Trevor Morgan and Emmy Rossum, and premiered on Disney Channel on In the film, Morgan portrays a genius who enrolls in college at the age of 13 and takes on a bad boy image in an attempt to gain friendsDisney Channel Original Movie (68) Teenage Girl (18) Character Name In Title (15) High School (15) Teenager (15) Teenage Boy (14) Family Relationships (13) Friendship (13) Father Daughter Relationship (12) Father Son Relationship (12) Female Protagonist (12) Mother Daughter Relationship (12) Sequel (12) Dog (10) Animal In Title (8) Halloween (8

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Disney Channel's original film library has been expanding for decades and continues to do so to this very day However, only one title can The Disney Channel Original Movie dynasty continues with 'Spin!' HL has an EXCLUSIVE new trailer of the upcoming DCOM that gives a glimpse at Rhea's friends!The Disney Disney Channel Original Movies collection gives you access to all the Disney Channel Original Movies movies, TV shows & more

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全米が注目するイケメン ロス リンチ主演 ディズニー チャンネルの夏全開胸キュンtv映画 ティーン ビーチ2 日本初放送 ウォルト ディズニー ジャパン株式会社のプレスリリース